Frog Pond
Oil Painting 11” x 14” on canvas, framed brushed bronze with gold trim wood frame, fabric insert. Frame size is 15 5/8” x 18 3/4” #2077. Free shipping in USA
Oil Painting 11” x 14” on canvas, framed brushed bronze with gold trim wood frame, fabric insert. Frame size is 15 5/8” x 18 3/4” #2077. Free shipping in USA
Oil Painting 11” x 14” on canvas, framed brushed bronze with gold trim wood frame, fabric insert. Frame size is 15 5/8” x 18 3/4” #2077. Free shipping in USA
I love going to botanical gardens, and I am very attracted to reflections and plants. So of course, while at Longwood Gardens I took photos and used one as a resource for this painting of a statue of a boy holding a frog. Do you see the tree branches reflected in the pond? The sculpture of a smiling child captures the playfulness and joy of youth, while the soft colors of the grasses and lily pads add to the pleasant mood of this painting.